Members’ Register
- CAFR Members’ Register:
- Notification
Starting with July 15, 2018, the Authority for the Public Oversight of the Statutory Audit Activity is the authority responsible for the preparation, updating and publication of the electronic public register of financial auditors and audit firms.Pursuant to Law 162 of 06 July 2017 on the Statutory Audit of the Annual Accounts and the Consolidated Accounts and Amending Certain Enactments, published in the Official Journal no. 548/12.07.2017 (Law 162/2017), statutory audit is performed by financial auditors or audit firms that are authorized in Romania under this law, who are members of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania, hereinafter referred to as CAFR, under the terms of the law, and registered in the Electronic Public Register.
Law 162/2017 amends and supplements GEO no. 75/1999 regarding the financial audit activity, whereby CAFR remains the relevant authority for the regulation and monitoring of the financial audit activities in Romania, other than the statutory audit.The Chamber holds a register of its members, according to the provisions of art. 33 of the Rules of Organization and Functioning of the Chamber, approved by the Decision of the Conference no. 2/2018 (ROF CAFR) and publishes an extract from the Members’ Register on the CAFR website according to Council Decision no. 67/2018 for the approval of Rules regarding the registration as a member of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania and enrollment in the Members’ Register of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania.We would like to draw attention to the fact that the extract from the Members’ Register is a record of the Chamber regarding its members and not the Electronic Public Register according to art. 14 of Law 162/2017 which is under the sole power of ASPAAS, starting with July 15, 2018.
To view an extract from the CAFR Members’ Register click here: