Collaboration with Other Professional Bodies

Memorandum of Understanding between ANCPI and CAFR
On March 26, 2019, the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania (CAFR) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI) in order to support and improve the role and importance of financial audit in strengthening and increasing the credibility of economic entities’ activity, the promotion of best practices of the financial auditor profession and specific national and European regulations in the field.
This action is part of the Chamber’s approach to identifying new opportunities for the development of the audit market for its members.

Cooperation agreement with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania

The Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania (CFAR) signed in September 2019, a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) in order to promote joint actions and certain activities to improve the business environment and to strengthen and give credibility to the economic entities’ activity, which represent an important market for financial audit.
CCIR and CAFR agreed to work together towards improving the legal framework for financial-accounting and auditing.
This agreement also provides the organization of common joint training courses and professional education, as well as participating in partnership events, seminars, conferences, symposia, debates to inform the community on the role of the audit activity.
The activities of both institutions will be published through their own publications and media.


Memorandum of Understanding with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest

In May, the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania (CFAR) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest (CCIB) agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding to promote and achieve common objectives in the field of information and professional training to entrepreuners and auditors.
The two organizations shall carry out, on the basis of partnership, joint actions to improve the business environment and support the assumption of good practices following the European regulations in the field, in order to adapt and implement them in Romania.
In this regard, CAFR representatives shall be invited to attend the events organized by the CCIB, where entrepreuners shall be informed of the role and importance of financial audit. In its turn, CAFR shall invite CCIB representatives to its scientific events in order to set out specific economic issues.
CAFR and CCIB shall identify and promote measures to improve the business environment and ways to support financial auditors’ continuous professional development.

Accreditation of the Audit Firms by the Romanian Football Federation
Dear Auditors,
The Romanian Football Federation announces the organization of the audit accreditation of audit firms  that can perform audit engagements to football clubs in accordance with the requirements of the National Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations.

For details on the calendar and specifications, please refer to the following documents:
1.    Specifications for financial auditors 2018;
2.     Information on accreditation examination  2018


Licensing Administration of the Romanian Football Federation


Since 2010, the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania is member of the Association of Economic Universities of Romania, AFER, a professional – scientific organization, a non-governmental entity which develops educational and scientific research programs in the field of economic sciences.

CAFR shares the objectives of this Association, such as the development and improvement of the Romanian higher education system, the promotion of professional, scientific and social interests of the academia in the economic field and the harmonization of the curricula.

Education and professional training have represented and continue to represent key areas in the CAFR activity.


The Chamber of Financial Auditors is an UPLR member.

The Romanian Union of Liberal Professions (UPLR) is a Romanian non-profit legal entity, operating autonomously.
UPLR is an apolitical, non-governmental organization, established on June 11, 2001, based on the Government Ordinance no. 26/2000, acquiring legal personality by registering it in the Register of Associations and Foundations held by the Court.
The Union of Liberal Professions in Romania is made up of associations of liberal professions and is open to all professional organizations, legal entities that fulfill the conditions of its Statute. UPLR represents around 140,000 members of professional organizations. The Romanian Union of Liberal Professions is a member having observer status of the European Council of the Liberal Professions – CEPLIS and of the World Union of the Liberal Professions – UMPL. UPLR actively participates to the social dialogue organized within the Economic and Social Council of Romania, having observer status of this body.
UPLR member associations (as per the website accessed on May 13, 2015):
1. The Chamber of Romanian Architects;
2. The Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania;
3. The National Association of the Romanian Bar;
4. The National Association of Registred Valuators of Romania – ANEVAR;
5. The College of Pharmacists from Romania;
6. The Romanian National Association of Practitioners in Insolvency;
7. The Veterinarians’ College of Romania
8. The Notary Public National Union of Romania;
9. The Romanian Surveyors’ Union;
10. The Romanian Management Consultancies Association – AMCOR
11. The Romanian Chamber of Fiscal Consultants
12. Mediation Council
The operation of the Romanian Union of Liberal Professions is ensured by: the General Assembly, the Executive Board, the President, the Censors, the Commissions.
The General Assembly is the supreme management body of the Romanian Union of Liberal Professions ant it includes all its members. Each member is entitled to one vote.
The Executive Board is the governing executive body of the Union and it consists of 3 members who act as President, First Vice – President and Vice – President. They are the representatives of the member associations which obtained the greatest number of votes in the General Assembly, by secret ballot, in decreasing order.
The members of UPLR’S Executive Board are:
1. Emilian RADU – President, representing the Romanian National Association of Practitioners in Insolvency;

2. Ec. Adrian VASCU – First Vicepresident, representing The National Association of Registred Valuators of Romania;

3. Dorin Valeriu BĂDULESCU – Vicepresident, representing the Mediation Council.


I. CAFR – ASF Memorandum of Understanding

II. Additional Act no. 1/26.03.2015 to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania and the Financial Supervisory Authority

III. Conditions for approving financial auditors who are willing to perform audit activities autorized, regulated and supervised by A.S.F.

  1. Under Art. 9 (2) of Rule no. 21/2014 on the financial audit activity regarding the entities authorised, regulated and supervised by ASF, we hereby notify you that the list of financial auditors authorised, regulated and supervised by ASF –  Financial Instruments and Investments Division was published on November 26, 2015, on the ASF website in the “Supervision” section, “Capital Market – Financial Auditors” subsection: (click here)

Association of Public Administrators of Romania
Romanian Franchise Association
Romanian Banking Institute


The object of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in May 2019 between the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania (CAFR) and the Romanian Banking Institute (RBI) focuses on the mutual development of common activities and strategies in the field of education and professional development.

Based on this MoU, all participants enrolled in the RBI programs – courses, seminars, conferences and/or other type of activities, who are also CAFR members, shall benefit of a 15% discount from the standard rate comprised by the IBR regulations.

For more information on the RBI educational offer, please visit their institutional website